WWW Wednesday 6.2.21

This weekly meme is hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words and all you need to do to participate is answer the following three questions:

  • What are you currently reading?
  • What have you recently finished reading?
  • What do you think you will read next?

What are you currently reading?

I just started reading What Big Teeth today because I didn’t get around to it last month and it is due back to the library in a couple of days. I am already on page 65 and it’s around 300 pages so I feel pretty confident I can get it done before it’s due back. So far I am enjoying the story even though I’m still not quite sure what is going on although something big happened right before I stopped reading so perhaps the story will take more shape now. The writing is very descriptive and I’m not sure if all of it is necessary but it is a relatively short read so I guess we will see how I feel about the writing when I finish it.

I’m still working my way through A Court of Mist and Fury because I find a lot of it boring and Feyre isn’t a character I particularly enjoy. I’m liking it more than I liked A Court of Thorns and Roses probably because there is more Rhysand. I’m 45% through so I will hopefully finish this before next Wednesday. I absolutely flew through Crescent City and that is a chunky book too so it is definitely her earlier books that I am struggling with. But I guess that’s a good thing since it means her writing has definitely improved over the years.

I have only opened Hummingbird Salamander up once in the last week but I am anxious to keep reading it because I want to know what is going to happen. I am hoping this weekend I will have some time to dedicate to this one.

What have you recently finished?

The only thing I have finished since last week are for blog tours which is probably why my regular reading is going so slow. Not that it’s a bad thing since I gave all these books four stars or higher.

The Rooftop Party by Ellen Meister

Trouble in Big Timber by B.J. Daniels

You Will Remember Me by Hannah McKinnon

What do you think you will read next?

I plan on reading this tonight since I have a blog tour review for it going up tomorrow. I love these Harlequin category romances so much and I can usually read one in one or two sittings. After this and I finish up at least one or two of my current reads I will start reading books from my June TBR that I will be posting on Friday.


2 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday 6.2.21

  1. The Rooftop Party sounds terrific! Usually, after I read a mystery (and I’m just about done with Murder on the Orient Express) I like to slide into some chick-lit. Thank you for introducing me to a book that combines the two genres.

    PS I agree with Claire (above). The cover of What Big Teeth made me shudder. I know, I know … “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” 🙂

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