WWW 3.31.21

This weekly meme is hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words and all you need to do to participate is answer the following three questions:

  • What are you currently reading?
  • What have you recently finished reading?
  • What do you think you’ll read next?

What are you currently reading?

I started this yesterday and I’m currently only 20 pages from finishing it which I will be doing as soon as I’m done with this post. I have heard nothing but rave reviews for Small Spaces and I have to agree that it is an extremely well done middle grade horror. This book is so fun and it reminds me a lot of when I used to read Goosebump and Fear Street books in my much younger days. I have already checked the second book in the series out from the library and while it’s not on my official April TBR I’m hoping to sneak it in during the month.

What have you recently finished reading?

I finished Such a Quiet Place over the weekend and I already wrote my review which will go up on its publication date in July. Despite its slow bits I still rated it pretty high because I think the ending was clever and I really enjoyed it. Rating: 4.5/5

I’m very confused on what to feel about The Toll. There was a lot that I liked and there was a lot that I didn’t. This book has a much different feel then the first two books in the trilogy and even though it is 600 pages the ending was so rushed and I was annoyed by that. I still really enjoyed the characters and the world that Shusterman has created still blows me away. Rating: 3/5

Quiet in her Bones has my favorite rendition of an unreliable narrator ever. I highly recommend it for that reason alone but it is an intriguing mystery even without that element. I will have a full review up for this book soon but if you are looking for a great mystery then I think you should consider picking this one up! Rating: 4.5/5

What do you think you will read next?

Since I’m about to finish Small Spaces and I want to wait until tomorrow to start on my list of April books I have decided to pick up the next book in the King series. This next character arc in this series follows Bear who had some really messed up stuff happen to him in the last book and I am very intrigued about what is going to happen in his books. These books are very dark and have trigger warnings for everything and I don’t love the writing but they are very entertaining if you enjoy dark romances. Also, if there is a record for the most times saying the word book in a paragraph I think I just won the award!


12 thoughts on “WWW 3.31.21

      1. I got addicted to her ‘Guild Hunter’ series.. but I’m excited to see what she does with the thriller genre. They both look so good!

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      2. Her writing really is something else! And I’ll have to get around to reading her thrillers.. is there one you recommend I read first?


  1. I totally agree with you about The Toll. I really liked the book but as you say it was a totally different vibe and it left me wanting a little bit to be honest! Thunderhead was definitely the best of the bunch for me!

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